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Temas - Ryuko

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Rincón Wi-Fi / Busco volador para mi equipo de XY.
« en: 17 de Octubre de 2013, 02:13:48 am »
Bien mi equipo por ahora es un Braixen y un Frogadier, acepto cualquiera de estos pokes con esta naturaleza:
-Pidgey naturaleza firme
-Taillow naturaleza firme
-Pidove naturaleza firme
-Starly naturaleza firme
-Hawlucha naturaleza firme
-Dratini naturaleza firme
-Bagon naturaleza firme o alegre
-Zubat naturaleza firme o alegre

Sería de gran ayuda, llevo media hora intentando que me salga un Pidgey con esa naturaleza o un Zubat y nada de nada... A quien pueda ayudarme, mil gracias  :ook:

Rincón Wi-Fi / Intercambio Fletchling shiny con alas doradas.
« en: 16 de Octubre de 2013, 11:11:38 pm »
Pues eso, intercambio un Fletchling shiny a cambio de al menos uno de los siguientes pokes:
-Chespin agitada
-Froakie afable
-Taillow alegre
-Goomy osada
-Bulbasaur osada
-Helioptile miedosa/modesta

Estrategia Smogon / ¿Tier OU XY?
« en: 16 de Octubre de 2013, 11:00:40 am »
Con este tema quiero preguntar, si hay alguna lista o referencia de como habrá quedado el nuevo metagame con pokemon XY, quienes subirán o bajarán de tier y todo eso. Algo que me ha sorprendido han sido las habilidades ocultas, como pueden conseguirse? Un saludo

Sexta Generación Pokémon / Goomy y Aerodactyl.
« en: 15 de Octubre de 2013, 12:02:26 am »
Donde puedo conseguir a Goomy y el fósil de Aerodactyl se que es en Cueva Brillante pero llevo un ratazo y nada de nada...

Sexta Generación Pokémon / Quedada en Granada para Pokemon XY
« en: 09 de Octubre de 2013, 10:22:23 pm »
Abro este tema para gente de Granada interesada que vaya a comprar Pokemon XY. Yo lo recojo este viernes, que según me han dicho lo podremos tener sobre todo los que reservamos. Que os parece si quedamos en el Centro Neptuno y de ahi ir a comprarlos cada uno a la tienda que lo haya pedido? La hora y tal lo concretais vosotros y asi de paso intercambiamos los FC. Este tema va sobre XY y habiendo otros temas mas chorras aún no creo que nos lo quiten. Comenten gente de Granada¡ Para más información pedidme Whatsapp por privado y concretamos del todo el plan.

El Rincón del Jugón / Nintendo Direct 01/10/2013
« en: 01 de Octubre de 2013, 09:53:35 am »
Bueno, ya que nadie ha hecho el tema lo haré yo.
El próximo Nintendo Direct ya tiene fecha y es para hoy 01 de Octubre, comenzara a las 11:00 hrs (GTS -4:00, America Latina) y a las 16:00 (Horario Peninsular, España), esta hablara sobre los titulos de Wii U y Nintendo 3DS que salgan antes de fin de año, como por ejemplo: Pokémon X & Pokémon Y, Sonic Lost World, Super Mario 3D World, Zelda: A Link Between Worlds o Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze.

Es posible que muestren informacion de Pokémon X & Pokémon Y, pero sinceramente creo que mostraran un resumen de las novedades que nos traen estos titulos de Pokémon. Pero en fin solo nos queda esperar hasta mañana.
Ahí va el link:

Sexta Generación Pokémon / Pokemons que necesitan urgentemente una Megaevolución.
« en: 25 de Septiembre de 2013, 10:37:59 pm »
Bueno este tema lo creo para especular, y a la vez plasmar vuestras opiniones sobre qué pokemons exactamente necesitan una megaevolución, para que o bien no estén tan olvidados o sean útiles en combate. En mi lista pongo algunos de los que creo que por ahora la necesitan y que características mejorarían. En cuanto a su habilidad no me mojo:
-Lapras: +atk -vel
-Dunsparce: +atk +def (cambio a tipo hada/normal o hada/dragón)
-Weezing: +Ps +def
-Girafarig: + atk sp + vel (cambio tipo a psíquico/siniestro)
-Chatot: +atk sp +vel
-Minun y Plusle: +atk sp +vel
-Raichu: +atk sp +vel
-Bibarel: +Ps + atk
-Flygon: + atk, +vel
-Altaria: +def +def sp
-Lumineon: +Ps +def sp (añadiendo tipo hada)
-Glalie: +Atk -vel
-Crawdaunt: -atk sp +vel
-Beedrill:+atk +vel

Sexta Generación Pokémon / Nueva oleada de rumores por parte de Pokeplaya
« en: 24 de Septiembre de 2013, 10:02:57 am »
Another source has sent us a new set of information about X and Y. Like the last batch of leaks, consider all of this a rumor until Pokemon reveals it. Like our last source, some of this information is from memory, so it may not be 100% accurate. Again, please treat all of this with caution - even though we've been shown evidence to backup some of the information, we could still be falling for an elaborate trick. Time will tell!
Trusk is a Grass/Rock boar Pokemon with long green tusks coming out of its mouth. He is gruff, has grey skin, and features green leaf-like ears. It has an "adorable" pre-evolution with tiny tusks and a leaf at the end of its tail.
A Normal/Poison porcupine Pokemon named Quillom can be found quite early in the game in the forest. It has white skin with light purple quills. He has a Poison-type quill attack which damages and has a high chance of poison.
A Ghost-type spider Pokemon is found in caves. It is dark gray with blue spots and multiple light grey eyes. It has a feint light blue mist around its abdomen. The source doesn't remember the spelling of its name, but says it was something like "Apparachnid." He thinks it may have an evolution.
There is a Ground-type badger Pokemon that is dark brown with black stripes going up its face. It knows Slash and a new biting move.
Reconfirmation that Froakie's final evolution is Water/Fighting. It looks similar to a poison dart frog. The dark blue now takes over its body almost entirely. There are a few even darker (almost black) spots on his sides and face and it gains more of the bubble foam around its neck and down the back. It's also a bit bulkier. It uses its hind legs a lot and has kicking attacks.
Bunnelby evolves into a Ground/Dark type rabbit that is larger and much rounder. Its color scheme is reversed, with the dark brown now being the prominent color. It can be found in caves. It is useful because you can get it early in the game and use it to evolve Pancham into Pangoro.
Helioptile has an evolution. It is bipedal with a second yellow triangle on its face. Its ears become more jagged and it looks meaner. On its back are what look like spikes with jagged parts at the very top. It can learn a new attack called Thunder Roll, where it rolls up like a wheel and strikes the opponent.
Reconfirmation that Meowstic has a pre-evolution named Espurr. There is no gender differentiation until it evolves. It is mostly white, similar to the female version, with cuter eyes and a single puffy tail. It has a little patch of fur under its head (similar to its evolutions). The fur is dark blueish with little tufts of white in it.
Other Pokemon that are now Fairy-type: the Chansey evolution line, Dunsparce, the Clefairy line, and Togepi's line.
Fairy Dust is a new move that will randomly cause either Paralysis, Poison, Sleep, or Burn.
Like Magneton, Wailmer is part of one of the Super Training Facility games.
Team Flare makes an appearance right at the beginning of the game. On the TV in your house, one of its members talks about fashion and how your Pokemon should match your style. Team Flare's signature music has an eerie accordion sound to it in the opening sequence.
The outfit your character wears at the start is colored to match what you've set as your favorite color in your 3DS settings. It can be changed easily though.
The opening cinematic is in 3D. (Have to mention this since most of the game isn't in 3D. :p) It starts off with Yveltal's cry, which wakes you up. You sit up in your bed. It then pans and there is a shot of your city. Yveltal's shadow goes over it. After that there is some other shots of your town. You seem amazed that you saw Yveltal. It then shows generic in-game shots like you entering a forest with your friends, selecting your starter, running through a cave, etc. After that it shows Sycamore welcoming you. You are standing outside of his lab at the time, then he takes you inside. It then shows him showing you three Poke Balls which leads into a transformation video where it shows all three Kanto starters evolving to their final forms, and then the three of them Mega Evolving. It's a really cool cinematic. The video ends with Yveltal flying with the sun behind him, leading in to the title screen. Team Flare is also shown at some point in the sequence.
On the title screen you can use the analog joystick on your 3DS to change the angle at which you see Xerneas/Yveltal.

Bueno mi conclusion es que todo cuanto han dicho los que nos hemos arriesgado a creerlo, hemos ganado, ustedes deciden: sera verdad o quieren trolearnos? Yo confiaria en ellos hasta el final, aun no han fallado.

Rate My Team / Rain Team Balanced [Modificado]
« en: 04 de Julio de 2013, 01:49:27 am »
Bien chicos, estoy intentando hacer un rain stall y de momento este es mi equipo, aunque como muchos comentan, lo que me ha salido es un Balanced:

El lead de mi equipo, se encarga sobre todo de hacer u-turn en cuanto sale y hacer retroceder una gran cantidad de veces a mi rival.

Jirachi@choice scarf
Jolly nature (+spe,-sp atk)/ 252 evs vel, 252 atk y 4 hp
Habilidad: Serene grace
-Ida y vuelta
-Puño hielo
-Cabezazo Zen

Como bien dije, es un team rain, y un team rain sin politoed no es rain ya que es el unico capaz de poner lluvia permanente. Es algo asi como un sweeper especial, aunque no llegue a tal. Prioritariamente pone clima pero puede llegar a hacer muchisimo daño con el siguiente set.

Politoed@choice specs
Modest nature(+sp atk, - atk) / 252 sp atk, 252 vel y 4 sp def
Habilidad: Drizzle
-Onda Certera
-Poder oculto( planta)
-Rayo hielo

Puede actuar de wall especial, quitar toxic spikes nada mas entrar y el resto de ''mierdas'' con su rapid spin. Su principal utilidad es ademas de eso, colocar sus toxic spikes para ir stalleando al rival, ademas de poder quemar a sweepers fisicos con Scald en lluvia+stab.

Tentacruel@lodo negro(black sludge)
Calm nature (+def esp, -atk) / 248 hp, 20 spe y 236 def esp
Habilidad: Rain dish
-Giro rápido

Bronzong es mi wall fisica, una gran wall que es neutro a todo e inmune a veneno y tierra, ya que aunque tiene levitacion, en rain se anula la debilidad al fuego. Tambien es capaz de stallear metiendo toxico o stealth rock(trampa rocas) ayudando a tentacruel.

Relaxed nature(+def,-vel) / 252 evs ps, 252 def y 4 sp def
Habilidad: levitacion
-Trampa rocas
-Giro bola(0 ivs vel, - vel por naturaleza)

Muchos se pensaran el por qué de un Torterra que es de una tier baja (NU) en un team OU. Pues bien es mi sweeper fisico, en rain pierde debilidad a fuego, y es un pokemon que a mi, personalmente me encanta. Despues de un pulimento, llega a una velocidad de 428, pudiendo pararlo pocas cosas ademas de el molesto canto helado.

Adamant nature (+atk, - sp atk) / 252 vel, 252 atk y 6 def
Habilidad: Espesura
-Roca afilada

Algo que decir de este? se encarga de recibir ataques de agua potenciados dirigidos a mi equipo, aparte de ser un gran tank. Tambien puede stallear al rival con su toxico.

Calm nature (+sp def,-atk) / 252 hp, 252 sp def y 4 sp atk
Habilidad: Colector(storm drain)
-Rayo hielo

Esto es todo, necesito saber que aconsejan que cambien o si esta bien asi, muchas gracias :D

El Rincón del Jugón / Metroid 3ds
« en: 17 de Junio de 2013, 11:05:10 pm »
En el caso de que saliese cuantos de vostros estariais dispuestos a comprarlo? Y que novedades creeis que traeria?

He decidido actualizar este post, miren lo siguiente a ver que les parece, todo apunta a que habrá 130 nuevos pokemon o así  :ook:


Sexta Generación Pokémon / Mi fuente ha hablado
« en: 13 de Junio de 2013, 02:39:03 am »
Me han informado de que ayer durante la rueda de prensa de Nintendo por la noche, concretamente a las 03:00 AM, cuando Masuda se disponía a presentar la mecánica de los intercambios pokemon de esta nueva generación, hubo un detalle que se le escapo, y es que al interactuar con uno de los personajes, tenía la friolera de 113 pokemon capturados y 8 medallas. Dicho esto, creen que habrá 113 pokemon capturables en esta edición? A debatir¡

Bueno al parecer no vendran con solo dos movimientos, como nos tienen acostumbrados que son el tipico ataque de contacto y el de reduccion de estadistica. Os lo muestro aqui:


Podemos ver que nada mas estar al nivel 5 ya conoce Latigo Cepa.

Poco despues, estando al nivel 8 ya habrá aprendido desenrrollar¡


Fennekin en cambio ya conoce Ascuas.

Habiendo llegado ya al nivel 11, probablemente antes, aprendera el movimiento Aullido


Froakie por su parte, vendrá con el movimiento Burbuja.

Y para el nivel 8, posible nivel donde los starters aprendan el 4º movimiento conocerá ataque rápido:

Espero que les haya gustado mi observacion en los iniciales

Sexta Generación Pokémon / 1º, 2º y 4º gimnasio.
« en: 12 de Junio de 2013, 07:12:38 am »
A través de mis fuentes he podido ver lo siguiente:
-El primer gimnasio es tipo bicho
-El segundo gimnasio es tipo hada
-El cuarto gimnasio es tipo lucha y su ultimo pokemon es la forma final de Pancham, y se llama Pangoro (en japonés)

Pueden creerme o no, solo digo que tiempo al tiempo y veran que es cierto  :rolleyes:
No revelo mis fuentes, y diran pues entonces no nos fiamos. No es problema para mi, yo se que lo que estoy diciendo es cierto y mis fuentes me lo han verificado :D

Bueno, este tema es para hablar sobre Noivern, para especular sus posibles rasgos en preevo o evo en caso de que la tenga ¡A debatir¡

El Rincón del Jugón / Empire Total War
« en: 12 de Marzo de 2013, 11:07:37 pm »
Buenas, tengo un Windows 7 y me gustaría que me dieran un link que sea bueno para descargar este juegazo. Lo agradeceria muchisimo, llevo casi 1 año buscando un link para que el juego me corra bien en el ordenador y nada... Mil gracias a quien pueda ayudarme con esto  :sisisi:

Sexta Generación Pokémon / Nuevo rumor.
« en: 12 de Marzo de 2013, 09:12:47 pm »
This generation we are faced with a predicament regarding rumours. Since Pokémon X and Pokémon Y are announced to be simultaneously released globally, it is not impossible, or even unlikely that rumours would appear that were not originally from a Japanese source.

Why does this matter you ask? Because in previous generations it was usually very easy to separate the fake from the real for things that weren’t originally from 2channel by looking at the original Japanese source that they claimed they translated from. Usually the Japanese would be amateurish and a product of a shoddy attempt at Google translate, hence even a novice translator would be able to confirm it as fake.

This time round however, it will now be a lot easier for people to make convincing fake pictures and info since they are free to do so in their own language, and it not be considered suspicious. In the past, 99% of information from non-Japanese sources proved to be fake (with one particularly famous exception) though we will not have the benefit of knowing that this time. This is both a good thing and a bad thing, since there are at least 6 other languages in which leaks may come to us now, though in turn it will become phenomenally harder for us to decipher what is fake and what is real.

Here are the rumours, courtesy of 4chan, where no significant Pokémon leaks have ever been found. Needless to say,  that they are most likely fake. I will add my commentary so read along with me!  Thanks to Ryuusei for pointing out these rumours to us!


“Due to the “world wide” release of Pokémon X/Y, pre-release information that at this time would usually be reserved for the Japanese branch of the Pokémon Company is now present among the localization departments of the other regions as well (such as NOA, where I am situated), and I have actually seen the full roster of new Pokémon as have quite a few people worldwide due to the difficulty regarding keeping everything under wraps. Thus, I can share a bit of preliminary information about new Pokémon appearing in X/Y.
Kriff: It seems they’re pushing the “Pokémon is global now so even though its 4chan it’s not a lie!”. It is very well calculated in trying to get this across, making it more suspicious than if they just wrote the facts out.

More than 100 new Pokémon.Kriff: A believable number.
There are indeed new evolutions and pre-evolutions, most of them focused on Gen V Pokémon. However, a few older Pokémon, including Gen I classics, are getting surprising new developments.Kriff: Mostly Gen five Pokémon having evolutions sounds quite believable.
No new types, but there are “Cross-bred” Pokémon introduced. Certain father/mother breeding pairs will result in a visually distinct child, who will be the mother’s species, but will, for example, have a pattern reminiscent of its father or a slightly altered color scheme. This is basically the new Gender Difference and is simply an aesthetic bonus, nothing extreme and only certain pairings result in this…the Pokemon is still considered the species of its mother, it’s not a new species. One example I can give is that it is possible to get certain Pokemon sporting Pikachu’s red cheeks.Kriff: OK. So this was a rumour that 4chan had already given us back when HeartGold and SoulSilver were announced. Spiky Ear Pichu lead the way for many rumours of Pokémon that would gain distinctive features when bread from parents that were not the same Pokémon. This part makes the rumour lose most of it’s believability.
The Starters become Grass/Steel, Fire/Psychic, and Water/Electric. They’re inspired by various European-centric archetypes…Chespin becomes a knight with chestnut armor, Fennekin a wizard with a majestic fur cloak, and Froakie a Nordic Viking with a thunder-cloud mullet/beard combo.Kriff: Not entirely out of the question. Still, it’s very detailed information. This person who claims they work at NOA are surely putting their job on the line at this point? I’m just not buying it.
Xerneas is Ice/Steel, and Yveltal is Fire/Dark. They have a unique ability where they can shift types with each other, Xerneas becoming red and Fire/Steel, and Yveltal becoming blue and Ice/Dark. Supposedly, Game Freak chose the typings in part due to members of the team being fans of R.R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire, among other reasons.Kriff: OK. OK. Why does someone from NOA have an idea about Gamefreaks tastes and hobbies!? This rumour is just getting fishier and fishier.
Normal: Kendama-based Pokémon. Its main body rides atop a giant ball.
Kriff: Here’s a Kendama.
Grass: A black-bear whose body is made of berries.
Fire: Pintata Bull with horns that are torches.Kriff: What’s a Pintata? Oh right, Pinata!
Water: Sea-bird. Looks like a socialite due to a feather that looks like an ascot.
Electric: A poodle whose fluffy-parts are statically-charged fur.
Kriff: Eww. “Fluffy-parts”.
Bug: Millipede, besides the head its long body is made of bubbles
Flying: A peacock with a tail that’s a harp.
Steel: A female-like Pokémon whose long hair is made of long, steel cables.
Rock: A rock-based snail, its got a bell for a shell, and its body looks like a cathedral.
Ground: An elephant whose body is covered in hardened mud-armor, more realistic looking than Donphan.
Psychic: An “Arabian” Pokemon wrapped in a brightly-colored carpet clothing.
Dark: Raccoon. Its tail serves as a burglar sack, and it’s got a stylish black mask.Kriff: A racoon burglar is quite an American concept. But not entirely out of the question.
Poison: Little purple lizard, it swings its (very large) broken tail around like a huge club.
Fighting: A very weird Pokémon who resembles a giant, living sneaker. Cooler looking than it sounds.
Ice: A Snowman with coal on its head looking like the incense marks Shaolin Monks have.Kriff: I’ve seen this guys done his research. You’d thing he was the one who designed it himself!
Ghost: A kasa-obake (umbrella ghost) that’s brightly colored and “fancy” looking.Kriff: A “Kasa kozou” as it more often called by Japanese natives,  is a popular concept we saw fakes for in the past. Here’s a pic.
Dragon: A Kirin that looks like a dragonic-unicorn.”Kriff: A Kirin here.

Sexta Generación Pokémon / Observación en Chespin.
« en: 04 de Febrero de 2013, 10:33:43 am »
Acabo de verme el trailer de nuevo chicos, y he descubierto algo. Cuando sale en batalla las puas de su cabeza están normales, pero cuando recarga rayo solar, con un gesto enfadado se puede apreciar que se afilan¡  :shock: Para quien no lo haya visto, aqui puede verlo a partir del minuto 1:20, solo tiene que pausar el momento en el que sale y en el que se pone a recargar rayo solar, veran la diferencia. Creo que dará mucho juego en la escala evolutiva esa característica de Chespin.  :ook:

Sexta Generación Pokémon / Donde veis los fakes?
« en: 04 de Febrero de 2013, 04:08:06 am »
De que sitios obteneis esos fakes¿ Me pico la curiosidad

Sexta Generación Pokémon / Imaginad la especie de pájaro que habrá.
« en: 01 de Febrero de 2013, 10:41:23 pm »
Bueno abro este tema para que imaginéis la especie de pájaro de primeras rutas que habrá o os gustaria que apareciese. Los anteriores fueron:
1ªGeneracion; Pidgey: Es una mezcla entre pichón y paloma, con rasgos de periquito.
2ªGeneración; Hoothoot: Es un búho.
3ªGeneración; Taillow: El pokémon golondrina.
4ªGeneracion; Starly: Es un estornino.
5ªGeneración; Pidove: El pokémon paloma.
6ªGeneracion; ...........¿? A DEBATIR¡¡¡

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